
Austria to build fence to monitor influx of migrants

German police were carrying out checks on the Austrian border Monday following Berlin’s stunning decision to reintroduce passport controls, as a new record migrant surge into Hungary raised the stakes ahead of crunch European Union talks. “They are desperate people, but enough is enough”. She said the country must work “cooperatively” to solve the problem.


Sweden – with the highest number of migrants per capita in Europe – reintroduced border controls on Thursday, and its leader defended the move. That’s slightly more than the 1,653 who applied on Wednesday.

The Spielfeld crossing is one of two major motorways that links Slovenia to Austria, and the experience of other nations in Europe suggests adding controls at this crossing without attempting to close the other will merely re-route the migratory flow. “If they do not, we will send them a diplomatic protest, and then physically remove the fence”, Ostojic said. She said refugees and Syria “will play a large role in many talks” at the G-20 meeting in Antalya, Turkey.

Officials say the barrier is legal, as it is only temporary and aimed at channeling the flow of migrants. It is just stopping the unmonitored entrance of migrants into its territory, ” Cerar said. He said last week’s ferry strike in Greece which stranded thousands of refugees on islands had been more effective in stopping the migrants than European Union leaders. Slovenia insists will not seal off entry but the move shows European countries are increasingly acting on their own.

Sudan’s foreign minister, Ibrahim Ghandour, says he sees “prospects for cooperation, particularly on migration”.

Under the Schengen agreement people can travel without showing their passports at the zone’s internal borders, barring exceptional circumstances.

The diplomats signed a plan to create a fund that would help the Balkans nations with the migrants as well in other fields.

Austria has announced it will erect a metal fence along its border with Slovenia, in a new blow to the EU’s cherished open-border Schengen accord.

The much debated Austrian fence at the borders of the country with Slovenia, will finally be built in the coming weeks, according to a statement by the Chief of staff for Chancellor Werner Faymann, Josef Ostermayer.

Germany, which expects up to one million arrivals this year, said on Friday it would extend temporary border controls implemented in September until mid-February.

Spokesman Leonard Doyle cited concerns about the weather and growing awareness of the dangers of crossing the Aegean “in a small rubber dinghy”.

Slovenia denies that any part of the planned 80-kilometer (50 mile) fence is on Croatian soil. Four out of five this year have crossed from Turkey to Greece.

Violence erupts between migrants and police on Lesbos.

Further east, Bulgaria was the first in the region to fence off its border with Turkey.

Slovenian police say more than 180,000 asylum seekers have entered the country since mid-October, with the influx continuing even as the nation starts putting up a razor-wire fence along the border.

Mikl-Leitner said on Friday that Austria reserves the option of going ahead with the measure, and that preparations for building the fence will be carried out.


Fredrik Bengtsson, spokesman for the Swedish Migration Agency, said the agency is now picking up people by bus at the border and driving them to its offices, but “once they get there quite a lot don’t enter and get registered but disappear”. “Police caught up with the group, beat them, took their valuables, food and water”, it said.

Refugee influx European Union leaders press Africa