Alabama, Georgia governors lift driver rules after gas spill

Alabama, Georgia governors lift driver rules after gas spill

The pipeline section that failed runs from MS to Atlanta. People in Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia,…

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Kerry stalls on jihadist strikes until Assad lets aid into Aleppo

Kerry stalls on jihadist strikes until Assad lets aid into Aleppo

Syria peace deal brokered by the United States and Russian Federation has been at stake…

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Tampa Bay Rays – New York Yankees Preview

Tampa Bay Rays – New York Yankees Preview

“Baseball’s a amusing game”. “I’m excited to get to pitch for my country”, he said,…

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Obama tells Duterte to fight crime war ‘the right way’

Obama tells Duterte to fight crime war ‘the right way’

Trump on Clinton guards: Take their guns away

Trump on Clinton guards: Take their guns away

In a March 2008 interview with “60 Minutes”, Clinton said she took then-Sen.

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These states want the college title games North Carolina lost

These states want the college title games North Carolina lost

Back in Steph Curry’s home state, the North Carolina legislature passed and the governor signed…

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Stuntman completes Knievel’s failed Snake River Canyon jump

Stuntman completes Knievel’s failed Snake River Canyon jump

The rocket, named “Evel Spirit”, reached approximately 400 miles per hour after launch.

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N. Korea calls United States bomber flyover of the South a bluff

N. Korea calls United States bomber flyover of the South a bluff

If the United States can not punt the problem of North Korea’s nuclear weapons to…

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Gulf States Condemn Bill Permitting 9/11 Families to Sue Saudi Arabia

Gulf States Condemn Bill Permitting 9/11 Families to Sue Saudi Arabia

The White House’s opposition to the legislation stems from concern it could weaken US ties…

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Enbridge to buy Spectra Energy in CAD37bn deal

Enbridge to buy Spectra Energy in CAD37bn deal

The transaction is expected close in the first quarter of 2017 following shareholder and regulatory…

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