U.S. Confirms Special Forces Helping Turkey Clear ISIS in Syria

U.S. Confirms Special Forces Helping Turkey Clear ISIS in Syria

Pentagon officials are now confirming that, starting today, U.S. special forces are engaged in “advise…

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Watch This Flint Pastor Tell Trump Off For Politicizing Her Church’s Event


Clinton Returns to Campaign Trail, Smiling and Reflecting on Bout With Pneumonia

Clinton Returns to Campaign Trail, Smiling and Reflecting on Bout With Pneumonia

Clinton appears anxious to change the subject of the news cycle from her health and…

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Trump calls for Clinton’s bodyguards to disarm

Trump calls for Clinton’s bodyguards to disarm

The former Secretary of State is in favor of tighter gun controls, although she reassured…

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North Korea Outrages International Communities Again with Fifth Nuke Test

North Korea Outrages International Communities Again with Fifth Nuke Test

Previous nuclear tests conducted in the year 2006, 2009 and 2013 were basically atomic, which…

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N. Carolina governor links fate of LGBT law to Charlotte

N. Carolina governor links fate of LGBT law to Charlotte

Governor Pat McCrory Friday quietly withdrew the lawsuit he filed in May against the Obama…

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Nigeria’s president apologizes for plagiarizing Obama speech

Nigeria’s president apologizes for plagiarizing Obama speech

Many critics have attacked Buhari for the similarity of his speech with that of President…

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Farage’s Aide Switches to UK Conservative Party in Mass Defection From Ukip

Farage’s Aide Switches to UK Conservative Party in Mass Defection From Ukip

PM Nawaz leaves for NY to attend UNGA session

PM Nawaz leaves for NY to attend UNGA session

In the statement he is expected to make to the General Assembly on September 21st,…

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The Syrian Regime Says US-Led Coalition Jets Bombed Their Troops

The Syrian Regime Says US-Led Coalition Jets Bombed Their Troops

US-led coalition aircraft hit a Syrian army position in the country’s east on Saturday (Sept…

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