Elizabeth Warren Brutally Rebuffs Wells Fargo CEO and Suggests He Resign

Elizabeth Warren Brutally Rebuffs Wells Fargo CEO and Suggests He Resign

Warren had little sympathy for Stumpf or his bank, calling his role “gutless leadership”, and…

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Trump’s son compares Syrian refugees to poisoned sweets

Trump’s son compares Syrian refugees to poisoned sweets

The Trump family strikes again, this time with the littler Donald comparing Syrian refugees to…

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USA may seek power to pre-approve self-driving auto technology

USA may seek power to pre-approve self-driving auto technology

States have historically set the rules for licensing drivers, but when the driver becomes a…

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Japan, Germany condemn Uri terror attack

Japan, Germany condemn Uri terror attack

Dad told police about NY bombing suspect

Dad told police about NY bombing suspect

According to a Reuters report, Rahami was not listed on USA counterterrorism databases.

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Bombing suspect’s father phoned Federal Bureau of Investigation two years ago

Bombing suspect’s father phoned Federal Bureau of Investigation two years ago

During the inquiry, the father backed away from talk of terrorism and told investigators that…

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Russian Defense Ministry releases drone footage of militants among United Nations aid convoy

Russian Defense Ministry releases drone footage of militants among United Nations aid convoy

Numerous media reports said US officials have reached the preliminary conclusion that Russian jets struck…

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European Union chief says start of Brexit talks “likely” early next year

European Union chief says start of Brexit talks “likely” early next year

Despite the fact that the Bratislava summit, which ended today (16 September), is reported to…

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Maggie Smith Accepts Her Emmy with a Sassy Note to Jimmy Kimmel

Maggie Smith Accepts Her Emmy with a Sassy Note to Jimmy Kimmel

Nation of walls ‘would only imprison itself — Obama at UN

Nation of walls ‘would only imprison itself — Obama at UN

This morning, President Obama, speaking for the last time to the General Assembly in his…

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