Record-breaking Game Of Thrones wins best drama at Emmy awards

Record-breaking Game Of Thrones wins best drama at Emmy awards

Game of Thrones was the next big victor with three top honours, including outstanding drama…

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US presidential debate rules out third party candidates

US presidential debate rules out third party candidates

Democrats are particularly anxious that young voters are gravitating to Johnson and Green Party nominee…

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Man Fatally Shot By Tulsa Police Had No Gun, Chief Says

Man Fatally Shot By Tulsa Police Had No Gun, Chief Says

The videos are clear-Terence had his hands in the air, and posed no threat to…

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Obama says United States prepared to lift Myanmar sanctions

Obama says United States prepared to lift Myanmar sanctions

The US eased some sanctions earlier this year to support political reform, but maintained most…

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World leaders at United Nations approve plan for refugee crisis

World leaders at United Nations approve plan for refugee crisis

On Monday, September 19, world leaders will gather in NY for a summit on the…

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Capsized Thai boat that killed 26 was ‘overcrowded’

Capsized Thai boat that killed 26 was ‘overcrowded’

Ayutthaya deputy governor Rewat Prasong said the confirmed death toll was 18, with 12 missing…

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Tribes granted permit for pipeline protests on corps land

Tribes granted permit for pipeline protests on corps land

The 1,172-mile project will carry almost a half-million barrels of oil daily from North Dakota’s…

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Donald Trump says birth control should be available without a prescription
Samsung Says China Phone Fire Caused by External Heat

Samsung Says China Phone Fire Caused by External Heat

Samsung Electronics launched the Note 7 phone in China on September 1 amid a growing…

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Colin Powell: Bill Clinton ‘Still Dicking Bimbos’

Colin Powell: Bill Clinton ‘Still Dicking Bimbos’

A newly leaked trove of emails by Colin Powell on Wednesday offered a rare glimpse…

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