Syrian truce receives new blows with airstrikes, shelling

Syrian truce receives new blows with airstrikes, shelling

A US-led air attack in eastern Syria that killed dozens of government troops fighting so-called…

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UN diplomats arrive in South Sudan, threaten arms embargo

UN diplomats arrive in South Sudan, threaten arms embargo

Juba initially rejected the proposal, which was offered earlier in the month, stating that it…

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Rami Malek wins best drama actor at 2016 Emmys
US, Japan, SKorea condemn nuke test by North Korea

US, Japan, SKorea condemn nuke test by North Korea

North Korea this month carried out its fifth and biggest nuclear test, which followed a…

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Kirkland fights cancer with Terry Fox Run Sept. 18

Kirkland fights cancer with Terry Fox Run Sept. 18

The Terry Fox Run was held Sunday in communities across Canada, with Nanaimo’s annual race…

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Only Clinton and Trump Will Participate in 1st Presidential Debate

Only Clinton and Trump Will Participate in 1st Presidential Debate

“Let Gary debate.” The Commission on Presidential Debates announced Friday that the two third-party nominees,…

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New York Gov. Says Chelsea Blast Shows No Links To International Terrorism

New York Gov. Says Chelsea Blast Shows No Links To International Terrorism

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said on Sunday there was still no indication that an…

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“Blair Witch” and “Snowden” Both Disappoint at Box Office

“Blair Witch” and “Snowden” Both Disappoint at Box Office

Sully, the story of a real-life pilot who landed his disabled jetliner on New York’s…

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Siberia vote fraud warning issued as Russians go to polls

Siberia vote fraud warning issued as Russians go to polls

Less than 7 percent of the ballots counted show United Russia getting about 44 percent…

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Dean Nalder finally admits he wants the Premier’s job

Dean Nalder finally admits he wants the Premier’s job

Dean Nalder will challenge West Australian premier Colin Barnett for the Liberal party leadership if…

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