Taller people are more likely to develop cancer, study says

Taller people are more likely to develop cancer, study says

“Our studies show that taller individuals are more likely to develop cancer but it is…

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Teens who go to sleep late, gain weight, new study finds

Teens who go to sleep late, gain weight, new study finds

The most shocking finding was that scientists found that every extra hour they stayed awake…

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3 nominees win Nobel Prize in medicine

3 nominees win Nobel Prize in medicine

McKenna has met Tu and written about her for New Scientist magazine. Among the winners:…

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Scientists Win Nobel Prize For Parasite Treatments

Scientists Win Nobel Prize For Parasite Treatments

The Japan NewsSatoshi Omura, a distinguished professor emeritus of Kitasato University, has won the 2015…

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Bad heroin suspected in 74 overdoses in 72 hours in Chicago

Bad heroin suspected in 74 overdoses in 72 hours in Chicago

Authorities in Chicago say a recent rise in heroin overdoses is continuing to climb.

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Gut Bacteria Could be the Key to Preventing Asthma

Gut Bacteria Could be the Key to Preventing Asthma

“Five years is a short time in asthma history”. However, this was only the case…

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Can exercise be replaced by a pill?

Can exercise be replaced by a pill?

Researchers from the University of Sydney have created the world’s first “blueprint” for how exercise…

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More Than 70 Overdose Cases in 72 Hours – Details

More Than 70 Overdose Cases in 72 Hours – Details

Chicago overdoses likely due to a mixture of heroin and powerful painkillers are sparking nationwide…

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Oregon gunman was Army dropout who studied mass shooters

Oregon gunman was Army dropout who studied mass shooters

About 250 congregants at Garden Valley Church stood at their seats as vocalists sang the…

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IBM thinks carbon nanotubes will defeat Moore’s law

IBM thinks carbon nanotubes will defeat Moore’s law

IBM researcher Shu-Jen Han outlined the next challenges for carbon-nanotube transistors in a blog post.

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