Trump Put Most Extreme Right-wing Elements On Driver’s Seat: Clinton Campaign

Trump Put Most Extreme Right-wing Elements On Driver’s Seat: Clinton Campaign

“The Republican nominee hired David Bossie, the president of the conservative political advocacy group Citizens…

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GOP faces choices on Zika, shutdown, impeaching IRS chief

GOP faces choices on Zika, shutdown, impeaching IRS chief

Florida now has documented 56 locally transmitted cases of Zika infection, presumably passed by Aedes…

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Doing exercise may counteract some of alcohol’s deadly effects

Doing exercise may counteract some of alcohol’s deadly effects

The findings, published on Wednesday in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, found that: “Stratified…

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Dallas Morning News endorses Clinton, first Democrat in 75 years

Dallas Morning News endorses Clinton, first Democrat in 75 years

In late July, another prominent Texas newspaper with a history of conservative political endorsements –…

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Beast of burden: Study finds EHR tasks take too much time

Beast of burden: Study finds EHR tasks take too much time

While the goal of electronic health records is to improve the quality and efficiency of…

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Security firm faces lawsuit with stock tanking tactic

Security firm faces lawsuit with stock tanking tactic

The St. Paul, Minn. -based company on Wednesday revealed that it has filed a lawsuit…

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Fib Contributes to Wide Range of Other Health Conditions

Fib Contributes to Wide Range of Other Health Conditions

It is already known that atrial fibrillation is associated with an increased risk of stroke…

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Heart Rhythm Disorder May Be Tied to Wider Range of Ills

Heart Rhythm Disorder May Be Tied to Wider Range of Ills

Alcohol might induce atrial fibrillation, leading to stroke, or there could be a specific alcohol…

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WHO updates view on Zika as cause of brain abnormalities

WHO updates view on Zika as cause of brain abnormalities

The vast majority of people infected with Zika experience no symptoms or mild ones, such…

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Report sets research priorities for Biden’s cancer moonshot

Report sets research priorities for Biden’s cancer moonshot

The experts are recommending the creation of a new national network that would allow cancer…

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