Christian Conservative Phyllis Schlafly Dead At 92

Christian Conservative Phyllis Schlafly Dead At 92

Called the “first lady of the conservative movement”, Phyllis Schlafly made her mark on our…

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When Suicidal Thoughts Enter A Mother’s Mind

When Suicidal Thoughts Enter A Mother’s Mind

The event will feature speaker Maria Willits, a suicide loss survivor and suicide prevention advocate…

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Biogen’s Aducanumab: First Potential Drug That Could Treat Alzheimer’s Disease

Biogen’s Aducanumab: First Potential Drug That Could Treat Alzheimer’s Disease

Cambridge, Massachusetts-based company Biogen developed the drug and funded the study, which tested aducanumab’s safety…

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Uzbekistan President Islam Karimov dies

Uzbekistan President Islam Karimov dies

“On behalf of Chinese President Xi Jinping, the Chinese government and people, I am extending…

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Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders Agree With Gary Johnson: #LetGaryDebate

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders Agree With Gary Johnson: #LetGaryDebate

Hillary’s supporters label Trump as a relic of the 1950s, a time when paranoia dominated…

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Senate Democrats block measure to battle Zika virus

Senate Democrats block measure to battle Zika virus

“It’s hard to explain why, despite their own calls for funding, Senate Democrats made a…

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Family Grieves Loss of Newborn in Twins Viral Photo

Family Grieves Loss of Newborn in Twins Viral Photo

$1.1 billion Zika funding bill fails in Senate

$1.1 billion Zika funding bill fails in Senate

US lawmakers sought on Wednesday to break a logjam over $1.1 billion in funding to…

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Zika virus may live in eyes, spread through tears

Zika virus may live in eyes, spread through tears

“Even though we didn’t find live virus in mouse tears, that doesn’t mean that it…

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Questions Remain As Ohio Medical Marijuana Law Takes Effect

Questions Remain As Ohio Medical Marijuana Law Takes Effect

Wednesday, County Commissioner Mauro Cantalamessa spoke to a small crowd before he voted to approve…

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