Patriots Lead Bears 23-11 in Third Quarter

Patriots Lead Bears 23-11 in Third Quarter

Jay Cutler started and went 8-for-12 for 83 yards for Chicago, which lost its second…

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Many Hispanics, Poor Still Without Health Insurance

Many Hispanics, Poor Still Without Health Insurance

“By tracking the insurance status of these individuals over a period of four years, it…

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Why it’s not OK to pee in the pool

Why it’s not OK to pee in the pool

As the latest episode of the American Chemical Society’s Reactions series explains, urine in the…

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In new twist following CDC rebuke, study finds AZ’s FluMist effective

In new twist following CDC rebuke, study finds AZ’s FluMist effective

While the work adds information to the picture surrounding FluMist, it won’t clear up the…

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Childhood obesity strategy stops short of banning junk food ads

Childhood obesity strategy stops short of banning junk food ads

If the industry fails to implement the changes voluntarily, the Government will consider “whether alternative…

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SLO County resident tests positive for West Nile Virus

SLO County resident tests positive for West Nile Virus

Clinton plans tax hike on the ‘super wealthy’

Clinton plans tax hike on the ‘super wealthy’

The Washington Post analysis says if Clinton can win Florida and all the states it…

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Alex Iwobi out for a month !

Alex Iwobi out for a month !

The Gunners boss has been widely criticised by Arsenal fans for a lack of activity…

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Hawaii conveyor belt sushi chain hit by hepatitis A outbreak

Hawaii conveyor belt sushi chain hit by hepatitis A outbreak

The Department of Health has determined the Hepatitis A outbreak on Oahu is likely due…

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Pauline cafferkey accused of concealing temperature in ebola checks

Pauline cafferkey accused of concealing temperature in ebola checks

The NMC claims the Scottish nurse meant to hide from Public Health England staff that…

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