Watching too much TV can be fatal, according to new study

Watching too much TV can be fatal, according to new study

Bad news for couch potatoes: Spending hours parked in front of the TV may increase…

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Justin Bieber Look-Alike Toby Sheldon’s Death Caused By Cocktail Of Drugs

Justin Bieber Look-Alike Toby Sheldon’s Death Caused By Cocktail Of Drugs

Toby Sheldon had $100,000 worth of cosmetic surgeries to look like Justin Bieber.

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Justin Bieber look-alike’s fatal pill cocktail

Justin Bieber look-alike’s fatal pill cocktail

On Monday, it was confirmed that Justin Bieber’s look alike Toby Sheldon (also known as…

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Zika Virus Preparedness Remains a Top Concern in NC

Zika Virus Preparedness Remains a Top Concern in NC

Health officials in the United States are reporting the first suspected case of Zika virus…

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Mother of newborn who died in nitrous gas mix-up speaks out

Mother of newborn who died in nitrous gas mix-up speaks out

Two newborn babies have reportedly been given nitrous oxide instead of oxygen at Bankstown Hospital.

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International Gymnastics Federation supports IOC’s decision on Russian athletes

International Gymnastics Federation supports IOC’s decision on Russian athletes

The IOC ruled on Sunday not to ban the entire Russian Olympic team from the…

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100 acres burned in brush fire on Cape Cod military base

100 acres burned in brush fire on Cape Cod military base

Wareham firefighters were among crews from eight towns that beat back a brush fire in…

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Red Cross says need for blood this summer is urgent

Red Cross says need for blood this summer is urgent

The American Red Cross is facing a critical blood shortage, the organization announced Monday. To…

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19 dead, 20 injured in knife attack outside Tokyo

19 dead, 20 injured in knife attack outside Tokyo

‘Pokemon Go’ to be updated with trading capability

‘Pokemon Go’ to be updated with trading capability

Nintendo’s meteoric stock jump came to an end last week after the company sent a…

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