Twitter talks Donald Trump’s ‘air kiss’ of Mike Pence

Twitter talks Donald Trump’s ‘air kiss’ of Mike Pence

But with these voters, too, Pence gives Clinton some breathing room because of his hard-line…

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Western media’s twisted view of failed coup, aftermath

Western media’s twisted view of failed coup, aftermath

That number included close to 10,000 green/grey (official) passports held by civil servants, the government…

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Trump To Promise ‘Americanism, Not Globalism’ In GOP Address

Trump To Promise ‘Americanism, Not Globalism’ In GOP Address

The questionable touching occurred when the Republican nominee for November’s presidential election greeted his daughter…

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Usain Bolt proves his fitness, but hurdler Kendra Harrison steals the show

Usain Bolt proves his fitness, but hurdler Kendra Harrison steals the show

Usain Bolt put his recent hamstring problems behind him as he recorded 19.89sec to win…

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Calls for more police training to spot autism

Calls for more police training to spot autism

A North Miami police commander who radioed that a man was loading his weapon just…

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Officer who shot therapist has clean record

Officer who shot therapist has clean record

The North Miami cop who shot an unarmed caretaker who had his hands in the…

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Vehicle slams into Bangkok’s Erawan shrine, injures 7

Vehicle slams into Bangkok’s Erawan shrine, injures 7

Last August the Erawan Shrine was the site of a terrorist bomb attack which killed…

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Jeremy Corbyn is ‘stirring’ things says Angela Eagle

Jeremy Corbyn is ‘stirring’ things says Angela Eagle

He has denied an extraordinary allegation that he planned to contact the father of a…

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Pot in the water?

Pot in the water?

On Wednesday, the 700-strong town of Hugo, located roughly 100 miles from Denver in eastern…

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Educating Your Toddler: Background Noise Can Be A Hindrance To Learning

Educating Your Toddler: Background Noise Can Be A Hindrance To Learning

Noisy houses with televisions blaring and traffic roaring by can stunt children’s ability to read,…

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