NASA’s Juno spacecraft beams first pictures from Jupiter

NASA’s Juno spacecraft beams first pictures from Jupiter

Juno sends first view of Jupiter and its moons

Juno sends first view of Jupiter and its moons

NASA’s Juno spacecraft sent its first picture of Jupiter after placing itself into orbit around…

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Delighted That Theresa May Will Be UK’s Next PM: David Cameron

Delighted That Theresa May Will Be UK’s Next PM: David Cameron

May will then enter Number 10 Downing Street as prime minister before the end of…

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Clinton Ahead or Even in Midwest Battlegrounds

Clinton Ahead or Even in Midwest Battlegrounds

The New Yorker leads presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in Florida, Pennsylvania and is tied…

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Cameron heads out, May comes in: Drama in British politics

Cameron heads out, May comes in: Drama in British politics


Hit App Pokemon Go Raises Security Concerns for Google Account Holders

Hit App Pokemon Go Raises Security Concerns for Google Account Holders

Shares of Japanese videogame giant Nintendo have recorded a huge jump of 56.65 per cent…

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10 political heavyweights who sang their hearts out

10 political heavyweights who sang their hearts out

As he delivered those words, Mr Cameron had little idea that the next Prime Minister…

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Sixth travel-related case of Zika confirmed in Duval

Sixth travel-related case of Zika confirmed in Duval

But health officials say that travel this year will account for less than 1 percent…

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Judge outlaws warrantless use of phone-seeking device

Judge outlaws warrantless use of phone-seeking device

“Absent a search warrant, the government may not turn a citizen’s cell phone into a…

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Jennifer Lopez Quickly Deletes ‘All Lives Matter’ Tweet

Jennifer Lopez Quickly Deletes ‘All Lives Matter’ Tweet

Earlier today, queen-of-all-media Jennifer Lopez tweeted a snapshot from a performance of her new single…

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