Bangladesh man who has never travelled overseas tests positive for Zika virus

Bangladesh man who has never travelled overseas tests positive for Zika virus

The Zika virus was first discovered in Uganda in 1947. South Korea became the most…

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New Study Links Caffeinated Beverages To Miscarriages

New Study Links Caffeinated Beverages To Miscarriages

Researchers noted that women who consumed more than two caffeinated beverages during the first seven…

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South Korea confirms first case of Zika

South Korea confirms first case of Zika

The US Virgin Islands Department of Health received confirmation over the weekend of a case…

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Zika virus risked estimated for 50 USA cities

Zika virus risked estimated for 50 USA cities

There have been no confirmed cases of Zika virus in the country, the Department of…

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2 more Alabama residents confirmed with Zika virus

2 more Alabama residents confirmed with Zika virus

A March 2016 study, “Zika Virus Infection in Pregnant Women in Rio de Janeiro-Preliminary Report”,…

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Easter Bunny hopping into Jackson County this Saturday

Easter Bunny hopping into Jackson County this Saturday

US Health Agency Adds Dominica to Zika Virus Travel Warning List

US Health Agency Adds Dominica to Zika Virus Travel Warning List

According to WHO, the world was alerted to the first appearance of Zika in the…

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FDA adds strongest warning to widely-used painkillers

FDA adds strongest warning to widely-used painkillers

In an announcement Tuesday, the FDA announced the new label changes including a boxed warning…

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Bangladesh, South Korea confirm first case of Zika virus

Bangladesh, South Korea confirm first case of Zika virus

Zika infection has been associated with microcephaly, a congenital birth defect marked by small head…

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Cuba Reports First Case of Zika Transmitted In the Country

Cuba Reports First Case of Zika Transmitted In the Country

ODH lab tests that indicate a Zika virus infection will be considered suspected cases until…

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