Dentist fired his employee after he found she had cancer

Dentist fired his employee after he found she had cancer

School bought an armed vehicle to protect their classrooms

School bought an armed vehicle to protect their classrooms

So, now schools are also falling in danger because they are buying an armored vehicle.…

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Roads are given an extra lane for the one who texts while walking

Roads are given an extra lane for the one who texts while walking

Gravedigger has been suspended for taking photo with rotten corpse

Gravedigger has been suspended for taking photo with rotten corpse

A gravedigger of age 55, Celestino Reyna, has been suspended for taking photo with the…

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This bear really likes golf

This bear really likes golf

The golf player, Andi Dzilums, was enjoying a golf session with his friend at the…

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Teacher took pistol to primary school, left injured after it got fired accidentally

Teacher took pistol to primary school, left injured after it got fired accidentally

A lady teacher took her pistol to the primary school where she was working, and…

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And when your attempt of proving yourself smarter goes wrong

And when your attempt of proving yourself smarter goes wrong

A student, whose identity has been not revealed, thought to do something different while returning…

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Teen’s dead pet rat turned into an amazing ‘flying drone’

Teen’s dead pet rat turned into an amazing ‘flying drone’

And this is the real Apple Watch – which you can even eat when feels hungry

And this is the real Apple Watch – which you can even eat when feels hungry

In the tight industry of technology, a Tokyo man, came up with his new design…

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Youngster got beaten up by an old man after he refused to give him seat in bus

Youngster got beaten up by an old man after he refused to give him seat in bus