Buddhist monk created footprint on wooden floor through 20 years of prayer

Buddhist monk created footprint on wooden floor through 20 years of prayer

And this is called dedication… A Buddhist monk is praying for over 20 years on…

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83 year old man distributed thousands of leaflets to find his lost love

83 year old man distributed thousands of leaflets to find his lost love


Teenager won a race of chasing a lump of cheese even he didn’t liked it

Teenager won a race of chasing a lump of cheese even he didn’t liked it

Couple crossed the river hanging with their back piercings

Couple crossed the river hanging with their back piercings

A brave couple, Mariya Gafitsa, 23 and Pavlo Klets, 24, crossed all limit of bravery…

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Jeans lover hasn’t washed his jeans for a year

Jeans lover hasn’t washed his jeans for a year

This would be quite disgusting, as a jeans lover said that he hasn’t washed his…

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Shocking karate match that ended in just three seconds after being started

Shocking karate match that ended in just three seconds after being started

If anyone wants to learn some tricks for their karate match, then this match was…

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Fastest delivery ever as flying drones are there to deliver your ordered meal

Fastest delivery ever as flying drones are there to deliver your ordered meal

In this heavy traffic time, a restaurant, Francesco’s Pizzeria, of the crowded city Mumbai, India,…

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Twins who shares everything including Facebook profile, business, bedroom and even boyfriend

Twins who shares everything including Facebook profile, business, bedroom and even boyfriend

Twins, Amy and Becky Glass, from Los Angeles, USA, are so close that they haven’t…

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19 year old Russian took amazing photos of himself on top of a Dubai skyscraper

19 year old Russian took amazing photos of himself on top of a Dubai skyscraper

Doing photo-shoot on the top of world’s tallest buildings is much more exciting than any…

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Father attacked on ice cream seller for not giving right change

Father attacked on ice cream seller for not giving right change

Police are searching for the man who became aggressive and attacked on the ice cream…

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