Sorry my tax return was late because my pet goldfish died

Sorry my tax return was late because my pet goldfish died

Man mentioned a passenger next to him in the flight by saying a “hippopotamus” in his complaint letter


Letter came back to the woman after 20 years, she threw it into sea

Letter came back to the woman after 20 years, she threw it into sea

Lady fortune teller uses a asparagus to say the predictions

Lady fortune teller uses a asparagus to say the predictions

A fortune teller uses the veggie asparagus to make future predictions, she said that England…

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Celebrated the New Year by jumping into the freezing water

Celebrated the New Year by jumping into the freezing water

Thousands of people enjoyed their New Year party by jumping into the freezing water of…

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Man spent £1000 to win free meals for life but then realized that the competition has been closed

Man spent £1000 to win free meals for life but then realized that the competition has been closed

A man was so excited to win the completion of free Nando’s meals for life…

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Soldier didn’t recognise his wife after he came back from Afghanistan tour

Soldier didn’t recognise his wife after he came back from Afghanistan tour

A giant duck bursts suddenly at the New Year celebration party

A giant duck bursts suddenly at the New Year celebration party

When the whole crowd was busy in celebrating the last moments of the year 2013,…

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Watch the funniest and dangerous elevator prank performed by Japanese

Watch the funniest and dangerous elevator prank performed by Japanese

A new video of a Japanese elevator prank tricks is been uploaded on YouTube, that…

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The wild turkey wants to go with the man but he refuses

The wild turkey wants to go with the man but he refuses

A hilarious video is been uploaded on YouTube that shows a wild turkey chasing a…

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