Horrifying moment when a father and son get sucked into a sewer

Horrifying moment when a father and son get sucked into a sewer

It was a horrifying moment for the family when father and son were sucked into…

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Man left his granddaughter as ‘deposit’ to the spa center when he forgot to bring his wallet – never went to pick her back


Woman could die any time because of laughing

Woman could die any time because of laughing

A woman is believed to die any time because of laughing as she is suffering…

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Barking pig was rescued from slaughterhouse and now is in safe hands

Barking pig was rescued from slaughterhouse and now is in safe hands

The pig was rescued by the owner Emily Keates and her partner Dustin Graziott, when…

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Woman asked to leave McDonalds after she turned in with her pet kangaroo

Woman asked to leave McDonalds after she turned in with her pet kangaroo

A woman was asked to leave the McDonalds restaurant after she turned into with her…

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Student chopped his private part off after stabbing his mother

Student chopped his private part off after stabbing his mother

A student was transferred to hospital after he chopped off his private part and even…

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There is a restaurant in Russia where tiger and leopard meat is in menu

There is a restaurant in Russia where tiger and leopard meat is in menu

A restaurant in Russia now a days battling for license after they were caught selling…

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Dog who was left alone on railway station found finally a new owner

Dog who was left alone on railway station found finally a new owner

Friends met after 41 years and found they’re living a mile apart

Friends met after 41 years and found they’re living a mile apart

Two friends who were not knowing about each other for 41 years found that they’re…

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Student lives with a bizarre phobia of tomato ketchups

Student lives with a bizarre phobia of tomato ketchups

A student lives in a bizarre fear of tomato ketchups and she said that she…

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