Two railway engine factories to be set up in Bihar: Modi

Two railway engine factories to be set up in Bihar: Modi

However, the state government has requested Prime Minister Modi to hold a meeting with state…

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Yahoo board convenes as the company considers selling itself

Yahoo board convenes as the company considers selling itself

The boardroom intrigue revolves around a recent proposal from Starboard Value, a NY hedge fund…

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Saudi Arabia lowers oil pricing to U.S. before Opec meeting

Saudi Arabia lowers oil pricing to U.S. before Opec meeting

“There is some probability that OPEC might in fact announce an increase in its quota…

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California demands fixes for 16000 more VW cars

California demands fixes for 16000 more VW cars

On Wednesday, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) asked beleaguered German automaker Volkswagen AG (VW)…

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Crude Oil Prices Dip Below $40 Per Barrel As Stockpiles Unexpectedly Increase

Crude Oil Prices Dip Below $40 Per Barrel As Stockpiles Unexpectedly Increase

There is rise in today’s oil price as Saudi Arabia appears to put forward a…

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Putin Expects More Sanctions for Turkey

Putin Expects More Sanctions for Turkey

The Pentagon has already issued its warnings to Moscow that the move can only escalate…

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VTech Data Breach Affects Five Million User Accounts

VTech Data Breach Affects Five Million User Accounts

The hacker claiming responsibility for the breach appears to have only shared the information with…

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Police Hunt for Motive Behind San Bernardino Shooting

Police Hunt for Motive Behind San Bernardino Shooting

Farook and Malik were killed in a shootout with authorities in San Bernardino. CNN is…

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How The Energy-Hungry Tech Industry Is Fighting Climate Change

How The Energy-Hungry Tech Industry Is Fighting Climate Change

From the website: Mission Innovation aims to reinvigorate and accelerate global clean energy innovation…

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Tech billionaires team up for clean energy coalition at Paris climate talks

Tech billionaires team up for clean energy coalition at Paris climate talks

It styles itself as a public-private partnership, claiming that current levels of government funding are…

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