Weld Food Bank still in need of turkeys

Weld Food Bank still in need of turkeys

Elk Grove Food Bank Services’ annual turkey drive is experiencing success, as the community has…

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Draghi: European Central Bank ‘won’t hesitate’ to provide stimulus if needed

Draghi: European Central Bank ‘won’t hesitate’ to provide stimulus if needed

Euro takes a tumble: The European currency took a swift, sharp fall on Friday as…

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Federal Reserve signals December rate rise likely

Federal Reserve signals December rate rise likely

“Everyone may not be in agreement that rates should rise but there is a general…

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MT governor frees man convicted of murder

MT governor frees man convicted of murder

Bullock’s decision to grant Beach clemency follows a law passed earlier this year by the…

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Texas unemployment rate rises in October to 4.4 percent

Texas unemployment rate rises in October to 4.4 percent

California’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate declined slightly to 5.8 percent in October from 5.9 percent…

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Rates hopes, bullish Apple lift USA stocks

Rates hopes, bullish Apple lift USA stocks

The Dow Jones industrial average briefly turned positive for the year, led by a 4.76…

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Aetna, Other Insurers Say Obamacare Health Plans Performing as Expected

Aetna, Other Insurers Say Obamacare Health Plans Performing as Expected

By comparison, 824,000 people bought plans from Anthem, 815,000 through Aetna and 610,000 through Humana.

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USA rig count declines by 10 this week to 757

USA rig count declines by 10 this week to 757

Drillers removed 10 oil rigs in the week ended November 20, bringing the total rig…

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UnitedHealth Might Depart Obamacare Market

UnitedHealth Might Depart Obamacare Market

Aetna’s AET, +3.90% statement could be a sign that big problems with business on government…

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VW says it will cut investments to prepare for emissions fixes

VW says it will cut investments to prepare for emissions fixes

Volkswagen has denied that the software allows the cars to cheat on emissions tests.

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