Video Footage Shows Passengers Escaping Emirates Plane After Crash-Landing

Video Footage Shows Passengers Escaping Emirates Plane After Crash-Landing

It reportedly cost Dubai a staggering $330 million for shutting down for five and a…

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Why Express Scripts Holding Company (NASDAQ:ESRX) Is In News?

Why Express Scripts Holding Company (NASDAQ:ESRX) Is In News?

“Growth in the second half of 2016 should primarily be driven by higher utilization of…

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NextEra to raise $1.5bn

NextEra to raise $1.5bn

The stock of Nextera Energy Incorporated (NYSE:NEE) registered a decrease of 5.52% in short interest.

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Occidental Petroleum reports quarterly loss on oil price slide

Occidental Petroleum reports quarterly loss on oil price slide

But some are convinced this year is different, and with good reason. In fact, recently…

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Strategy Change Pushes First Solar, Inc. Panel Production Up

Strategy Change Pushes First Solar, Inc. Panel Production Up

A-R-T- Advisors Llc sold 62,199 shares as the company’s stock rose 2.62% with the market.…

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IN delegates at DNC comment on GOP pick for governor

IN delegates at DNC comment on GOP pick for governor

Meanwhile, Holcomb’s opponent Democrat John Gregg has a campaign stop Wednesday. Brooks touted the endorsement…

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One Greek athlete expelled from Olympics for doping

One Greek athlete expelled from Olympics for doping

U.S. women’s rugby wins first Olympic match ever by 48 points

U.S. women’s rugby wins first Olympic match ever by 48 points

She captained Canada to a second-place finish at the World Cup in Moscow in 2013…

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Kevin Durant leads the way as United States of America dominates China

Kevin Durant leads the way as United States of America dominates China

With Kevin Durant and Carmelo Anthony the lone returning Olympians, the USA suited up ten…

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US, Japan strongly condemn N. Korea’s missile launch

US, Japan strongly condemn N. Korea’s missile launch

A United States military statement added that the second missile failed due to an immediate…

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