New ‘Doctor Strange’ Trailer and Poster Revealed

New ‘Doctor Strange’ Trailer and Poster Revealed

In addition to the trailer, Marvel also unveiled a new poster for the film which…

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‘Harry Potter and the Cursed Child’ Script Gets Midnight Release

‘Harry Potter and the Cursed Child’ Script Gets Midnight Release

140-a-07-(Katie Allen, Harry Potter reader, waiting to get the new book, in AP interview)-“to come…

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Clinton Campaign Apparently Also Hacked by Russians

Clinton Campaign Apparently Also Hacked by Russians

The FBI and the Justice Department are investigating the latest intrusions, which also include the…

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Here’s what the Fed decision means for a possible September hike

Here’s what the Fed decision means for a possible September hike

The Fed projects the inflation rate to touch 2% in the medium term, which seems…

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San Diego police arrest suspects in officer shooting

San Diego police arrest suspects in officer shooting


Saatchi chief asked to take leave after comments on women executives

Saatchi chief asked to take leave after comments on women executives

French advertising giant PublicisGroupeput the Chairman of Saatchi & Saatchi, Kevin Roberts, on leave on…

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Losing His Nerve? Post-Coup Erdogan Warms up to Russia, Iran

Losing His Nerve? Post-Coup Erdogan Warms up to Russia, Iran

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan says the purge is to clean out the country’s “systemic virus”.

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Fed’s Dudley urges caution on rate hikes, cites risks to US

Fed’s Dudley urges caution on rate hikes, cites risks to US

Central bank governors have little power to improve “disappointing productivity” in the United States and…

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Hot air balloon crashes in Texas, 16 dead

Hot air balloon crashes in Texas, 16 dead

Balloon hit power lines before crashing, killing 16

Balloon hit power lines before crashing, killing 16

Local emergency crews maintained their vigil on the east side of a wheat field Sunday…

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