Could Yahoo sell its Internet biz to Verizon or AT&T?

Could Yahoo sell its Internet biz to Verizon or AT&T?

The board is expected to discuss its options in sessions beginning Wednesday and continuing through…

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Life is Strange Dev Offers New Details on Gothic RPG Vampyr

Life is Strange Dev Offers New Details on Gothic RPG Vampyr

In the several months since we last heard about Vampyr, Dontnod Entertainment has finished up…

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Bad weather conditions delay United States shipment to International Space Station

Bad weather conditions delay United States shipment to International Space Station

NASA said it plans to try the launch again Friday, but the weather is forecasted…

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Putin calls for broad international anti-terror front

Putin calls for broad international anti-terror front

Speaking in his state of the nation address, Mr Putin called for “one powerful fist”…

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Trump questions Israel’s commitment to peace

Trump questions Israel’s commitment to peace

That is exactly what happened with the growth of ISIS, which President Obama said was…

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GOP leader defends House Planned Parenthood investigation

GOP leader defends House Planned Parenthood investigation

A Republican congressional leader on Monday defended a House investigation of Planned Parenthood’s provision of…

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Windows Surface Phone Rumors Set Release for Next Year

Windows Surface Phone Rumors Set Release for Next Year

Part of the reason for such slack demand is that Windows Server 2008, which has…

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‘Just Cause 3’ plagued by performance issues

‘Just Cause 3’ plagued by performance issues

Senate votes down gun curbs in wake of Calif. attacks

Senate votes down gun curbs in wake of Calif. attacks

Obama repeated calls for tougher gun control measures after Wednesday’s mass shooting. A mass shooting…

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France to give Africa 2 bn euros for green energy

France to give Africa 2 bn euros for green energy

French President Francois Hollande disclosed at the climate change summit in Paris that the country…

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