Obama: climate change an economic, security imperative

Obama: climate change an economic, security imperative

Recognizing this possibility, a concerned President Barack Obama said part of the climate agreement soon…

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New emoji are coming to Android next week

New emoji are coming to Android next week


Paris Climate Talks Face A Familiar Hurdle – American Politics

Paris Climate Talks Face A Familiar Hurdle – American Politics

“I’m confident in the wisdom of the American people on that front”, he continued.

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Android creator Andy Rubin to make his own Android phones?
SpaceX to try landing at Cape Canaveral

SpaceX to try landing at Cape Canaveral

(Cape Canaveral’s historic launchpads are getting a bit crowded with commercial enterprise these days; Blue…

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Timeline of deadly United States shootings

Timeline of deadly United States shootings

A man shoots dead 23 people in a restaurant and then kills himself. And Tashfeen…

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Steve Ballmer Pushes For Android Apps On Windows Phones

Steve Ballmer Pushes For Android Apps On Windows Phones

Microsoft issued reports of its annual revenue run rate – or sales at a particular…

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Gary Neville named Valencia coach

Gary Neville named Valencia coach

His first match will be a UEFA Champions League game against Ligue 1 club Lyon…

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Chennai floods: NDRF deploys additional teams to help rescue operation

Chennai floods: NDRF deploys additional teams to help rescue operation

He said Andhra Pradesh had sought Rs 1,000 crore as interim relief and soon a…

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Trump remains tops in GOP

Trump remains tops in GOP