Indonesian airline bans use of Galaxy Note 7 phone during flight

Indonesian airline bans use of Galaxy Note 7 phone during flight

The use of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphones has been banned onboard national airlines in…

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Trump says Obama was ‘born in the United States. Period.’

Trump says Obama was ‘born in the United States. Period.’

“Now, we all want to get back to making America strong and great again”, notes…

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7 reasons you might want to update your iPhone to iOS 10

7 reasons you might want to update your iPhone to iOS 10

Meanwhile, many users took to the social networking website Twitter to post that their Apple…

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Amazon launches voice-powered Echo speakers

Amazon launches voice-powered Echo speakers

The Echo dot, meanwhile, will cost £49.99 or €59.99, with shipping beginning on October 20th…

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China on yellow alert for Typhoon Malakas

China on yellow alert for Typhoon Malakas

In Xiamen province, China, at least seven people had been reported dead on Friday afternoon,…

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Mario’s coming to the iPhone

Mario’s coming to the iPhone

Apple’s iPhone event is underway, but before announcing the iPhone 7 (on goal, anyway), they…

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Twitter numbers help boost overall Thursday night viewing

Twitter numbers help boost overall Thursday night viewing

Starting this season, it also becomes the first screen. You’ll try this Twitter experiment.

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We’re in a strong position, says Hillary Clinton

We’re in a strong position, says Hillary Clinton

Mrs. Clinton’s campaign released more information about her health on Wednesday in the wake of…

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Uber now lets you request rides using Apple Maps and Siri

Uber now lets you request rides using Apple Maps and Siri

Customers who want to switch to the new operating system now will either have to…

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IOS 10, watchOS 3, tvOS 10 officially go live

IOS 10, watchOS 3, tvOS 10 officially go live