Sugar industry paid scientists to blame fat

Sugar industry paid scientists to blame fat

A newly discovered cache of industry documents revealed that the sugar industry began working closely…

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Sony’s biggest ever PlayStation 4 update is out now

Sony’s biggest ever PlayStation 4 update is out now

PlayStation Lifestyle added that PlayStation 4 Pro updates will roll out in November 10, 2016.…

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Pipeline protest site a city unto itself with school, meals
US among nations set to unveil sanctuaries to protect oceans

US among nations set to unveil sanctuaries to protect oceans

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama said Thursday that creating the Atlantic Ocean’s first marine national…

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A High Schooler Hacked His Way to Free, Unlimited 4G Data

A High Schooler Hacked His Way to Free, Unlimited 4G Data

17-year-old USA hacker Jacob Ajit has figured out how to get free mobile data on…

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Jaguars Def/Spec Team: Jaguars looking for answers against Rivers

Jaguars Def/Spec Team: Jaguars looking for answers against Rivers

IPhone 7 release date brings headphone jack and Lightning charging headaches

IPhone 7 release date brings headphone jack and Lightning charging headaches

You Can Now Answer WhatsApp Calls Right From Your Lock Screen

You Can Now Answer WhatsApp Calls Right From Your Lock Screen

Social media was filled with complaints from iPhone and iPad owners saying that their devices…

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Microsoft Health App Renamed to Microsoft Band or Mysterious Reasons

Microsoft Health App Renamed to Microsoft Band or Mysterious Reasons

Microsoft’s Program Manager for the Windows Insider Engineering Team, Jason, has posted a solution on…

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Donald Trump: ‘President Barack Obama was born in the United States. Period.’

Donald Trump: ‘President Barack Obama was born in the United States. Period.’

Trump’s brief statement comes as Trump has sought to court African-American voters, who have been…

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