Apple boss says Microsoft ‘tries too hard’ with Surface Book

Apple boss says Microsoft ‘tries too hard’ with Surface Book

British Museum collections accessible online via Google Street View

British Museum collections accessible online via Google Street View

Google and British Museum said in a statement that the collections would be “the largest…

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New Fallout 4 glitch lets you rack up infinite bottlecaps

New Fallout 4 glitch lets you rack up infinite bottlecaps

If you’re short on cash (or rather, bottle caps) in Fallout 4, here’s an easy…

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NASA Says Global: Zachariae Isstrom Glacier’s Ice Sheet In Greenland Melting

NASA Says Global: Zachariae Isstrom Glacier’s Ice Sheet In Greenland Melting

The melting that caused Zachariae Glacier to shrink came from both warming air above and…

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Sec. Ash Carter: US Will Keep Patrolling South China Sea

Sec. Ash Carter: US Will Keep Patrolling South China Sea

The United States has in recent months repeatedly provoked China by violating disputed territorial waters…

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Alibaba sales break Singles’ Day record in China

Alibaba sales break Singles’ Day record in China

Journalists film a giant screen showing a total sales transacted of e-commerce giant Alibaba, on…

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Samsung Galaxy S6 deal: Save £50 with this Black Friday deal code

Samsung Galaxy S6 deal: Save £50 with this Black Friday deal code

The latest installment in Samsung’s Galaxy flagship series, the Galaxy S6 Edge, shook things up…

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Petrobras Loss Narrows as High Local Fuel Price Offsets Oil Rout

Petrobras Loss Narrows as High Local Fuel Price Offsets Oil Rout

Analysts at Zacks have given a short term rating of hold on Petroleo Brasileiro S.A.-…

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Google Maps shows sunken auto with dead body inside

Google Maps shows sunken auto with dead body inside

A workman who was decorating a Christmas tree outside a funeral home in Byron Township…

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Subaru Teases Impreza Sedan Concept

Subaru Teases Impreza Sedan Concept

Still, in Subaru’s words, it’s a look at the “design direction not only of the…

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