Too many Facebook staffers prefer iPhones, company says, forcing many to

Too many Facebook staffers prefer iPhones, company says, forcing many to

Facebook is forcing its employees to ditch their iPhones for Android phones so they can…

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Microsoft Talks How Xbox One Backwards Compatibility Works With Games with Gold

Microsoft Talks How Xbox One Backwards Compatibility Works With Games with Gold

As an early Black Friday lure for buyers, Microsoft has packaged the Xbox One with…

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Austin Energy signs solar purchase power agreements totaling 288 megawatts

Austin Energy signs solar purchase power agreements totaling 288 megawatts

All that is needed now to make this concept a reality is political commitment and…

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AMD Radeon Software Crimson to replace Catalyst driver

AMD Radeon Software Crimson to replace Catalyst driver

At the top, of the window, main sections are listed with large buttons-Gaming, Video, Display,…

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Volvo testing kangaroo-avoidance technology in Canberra

Volvo testing kangaroo-avoidance technology in Canberra

A Volvo engineer quoted in the company’s release puts its best, largely because he references…

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Silicon Valley granddaddy HP readies breakup

Silicon Valley granddaddy HP readies breakup

And yet, she may make the new company bigger: HP Enterprise will have about $5.5…

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Samsung giving away free wireless charger to get more Samsung Pay users

Samsung giving away free wireless charger to get more Samsung Pay users

This marks the second Galaxy S6 Edge superhero model to be released by Samsung in…

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Mobile 4G LTE CellSpot promises better indoor coverage

Mobile 4G LTE CellSpot promises better indoor coverage

T-Mobile’s Un-carrier X is coming next week, but apparently the company couldn’t wait until then…

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Daylight Savings Time ends this weekend

Daylight Savings Time ends this weekend

Viola Davis’ daughter dresses as mom for Halloween

Viola Davis’ daughter dresses as mom for Halloween