Killer Whale Launches Seal 80 feet Into The Air

Killer Whale Launches Seal 80 feet Into The Air

Focus. Productions. The Orca was spotted aggressively chasing the seal before using its tail to…

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Android and Chrome OS to be combined into one next year

Android and Chrome OS to be combined into one next year

Chrome OS is going to be combined with Android, and the combined OS could be…

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AK Steel beats 3Q profit forecasts

AK Steel beats 3Q profit forecasts

The company reported $0.04 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the consensus estimate of…

Continue Reading → Faces Lawsuit over How It’s Amazon Prime Now’ Delivery Workers
Permalink Faces Lawsuit over How It’s Amazon Prime Now’ Delivery Workers

Earlier this year, Ross and her law firm, Leonard Carder, won a $228 million settlement…

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Russian Federation landing crewed spaceship on the moon by 2030

Russian Federation landing crewed spaceship on the moon by 2030

For eight days, the female volunteers will live inside a wood-paneled suite of rooms at…

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Walmart Launching First Holiday Sale This Weekend

Walmart Launching First Holiday Sale This Weekend

But industry experts had predicted that the retailers catering to discount-driven shoppers including Macy’s, Target…

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The Walking Dead delivers a shocker

The Walking Dead delivers a shocker

However, after re-watching this particular scene, I am not entirely set on the fact that…

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Microsoft is revamping its Outlook mobile apps for iOS, Android

Microsoft is revamping its Outlook mobile apps for iOS, Android

What this means is that Outlook will eventually replace the Sunrise mobile app. Microsoft says…

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United States government will now allow people to legally jailbreak tablets, smart TVs

United States government will now allow people to legally jailbreak tablets, smart TVs

It notes that a section of DMCA allowed vehicle manufacturers to threaten legal action against…

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Rocket League is getting mutators, including hockey

Rocket League is getting mutators, including hockey

Additionally, a new Mutator mode will be heading to Rocket League in December. Mutators have…

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