Four Blood Moons: Doomsday Prophecy & Prediction

Four Blood Moons: Doomsday Prophecy & Prediction

While space enthusiasts prepare to watch a rare supermoon eclipse Sunday night, some are preparing…

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NASA confirms liquid water found on Mars

NASA confirms liquid water found on Mars

“Today we are revolutionizing our understanding of this planet”, Jim Green, director of planetary science…

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The Witcher 3 – Hearts of Stone Gets New Impressive Screenshots

The Witcher 3 – Hearts of Stone Gets New Impressive Screenshots

New Zealand to create massive marine sanctuary

New Zealand to create massive marine sanctuary

The area covered by the Kermadec Ocean Sanctuary includes the longest chain of submerged volcanoes…

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Uzumaki creator was working on Silent Hills

Uzumaki creator was working on Silent Hills

While Konami cancelled the development of Silent Hills a few months ago, there are still…

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Ad-Free YouTube Could Be Launching Next Month

Ad-Free YouTube Could Be Launching Next Month

New study ranks NC 2nd-worst state for teachers

New study ranks NC 2nd-worst state for teachers

The data considered included median starting salary to the number of teachers to students by…

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2 dead, 2 in custody after shooting

2 dead, 2 in custody after shooting

Is there life on Mars? NASA announces liquid water discovered

Is there life on Mars? NASA announces liquid water discovered

The salts, which are absent from the surrounding terrain, are thought to have been left…

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Researchers discover New Treasures from Famous shipwreck

Researchers discover New Treasures from Famous shipwreck

Recently salvaged objects include remains of a bone flute, glassware, chess-like piece from a game…

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