Majority says cellphone use in social settings hurts conversation

Majority says cellphone use in social settings hurts conversation

“This “always-on” reality has disrupted longstanding social norms about when it is appropriate for people…

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Facebook’s Siri rival ‘M’ is powered by actual humans

Facebook’s Siri rival ‘M’ is powered by actual humans

In it’s current state M doesn’t use any data from Facebook profiles, but later on…

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Rovio to cut 260 jobs

Rovio to cut 260 jobs

Rovio CEO Pekka Rantala said the company was too eager to explore new business opportunities,…

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Cincinnati Zoo Sends Last Sumatran Rhino To Indonesia

Cincinnati Zoo Sends Last Sumatran Rhino To Indonesia

Cincinnati Zoo scientists, zookeepers, volunteers and visitors have fallen in love with playful, gentle Harapan,…

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Facebook ‘Spam King’ guilty for sending 27 million messages

Facebook ‘Spam King’ guilty for sending 27 million messages

The Las Vegas man known as the “Spam King” is now facing a stretch behind…

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Sony grafts a TV remote on top of its latest speaker

Sony grafts a TV remote on top of its latest speaker

Remember when Sony released its own particular version of the coolest cooler!

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Justin Theroux Says Marriage to Jennifer Aniston ‘Feels Different’

Justin Theroux Says Marriage to Jennifer Aniston ‘Feels Different’

The pair were engaged for three years before tying the knot in a secret ceremony…

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Rediscovering a rare South Pacific nautilus

Rediscovering a rare South Pacific nautilus

During filming, the researchers also captured several nautiluses including Allonautilus from depths of 600 feet…

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Ford May Bring Ranger Back To US in 2018

Ford May Bring Ranger Back To US in 2018

The Detroit News reported late Tuesday that the company is in contract negotiations with the…

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UK-based Wileyfox unveils Storm and Swift: Mid-range Cyanogen OS smartphones

UK-based Wileyfox unveils Storm and Swift: Mid-range Cyanogen OS smartphones

The first device is called Wileyfox Swift which is a 5-inch device with a 720p…

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