
Authorities search for boy dragged into water by gator

The unnamed boy was snatched by an alligator around 9:15 p.m. Tuesday as he was playing by the shore of the Seven Seas Lagoon near his parents and 4-year-old sister at Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort and Spa, the New York Times reported. Demings said there had been no previous attacks at the lagoon, nor any recent reports of “nuisance alligators” in the area.


It has been a tragic week for the Orlando area. On Sunday, a gunman opened fire at a gay nightclub in Orlando, leaving 49 people dead in the worst mass shooting in modern USA history. On Friday night, singer Christina Grimmie was killed by a gunman who then killed himself.

The mother, father and their three children, who are from Nebraska, have been staying at the hotel since Sunday, Demings said.

Orange County Sheriff Deming has said that they will continue their search, despite “The sad reality of it is it’s been several hours, and we’re not likely going to recover a live body”, according to CNN. “Prepare for the worst, hope for the best”. An alligator came out of the lagoon and latched on to the child, dragging him into the water. The broadcaster said the reptiles will be euthanized to determine if they were involved in the incident.

The Grand Floridian Resort & Spa was added to Disney World in 2013. The man-made lake stretches about 200 acres and reaches a depth of 14 feet.

The incident occurred on a sandy waterfront area outside the hotel near the Seven Seas Lagoon on the property.

Helicopters, two marine units, sonar equipment, a dive team and an alligator trapper are being used in the hunt for the toddler in the darkened waters.

Deputies have taped off the scene and are searching the waters.

Jeff Corwin, a noted national animal expert, said he was surprised this happened so close to a highly regulated area but noted there are millions of alligators in Florida.

In May, a Florida man was hospitalized after an alligator bit off his hand and forearm as he sought to elude authorities by running into a lake, according to police.

The sheriff’s office was working to find the child along with personnel from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Those fatalities were among 383 unprovoked bites not caused by someone handling or intentionally harassing an alligator. Five died while swimming in lakes, rivers and canals.

Minnesota residents John and Kim Aho, visiting Disney with their 12-year-old son Johnny, were stunned to hear what had happened to the child, whose name has not been released. “Our thoughts are with the family and we are helping the family and doing everything we can to assist them”, said Jacquee Wahler.


“He’s a little freaked out about the gator”, she said.

Alligator pulls child into water near Disney resort