
Autism experts denounce GOP debate mention of vaccines

What we learned along the way was that Carly Fiorina is ready for prime time.


“He wasn’t as dynamic as in the first debate but he didn’t make any serious mistakes, either”, Lokken said.

“I thought he was going to push me harder to apologize to his wife”, Trump told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe“.

“A little last minute debate prep going on here”, he said, holding up a tablet with one of Trump’s NBC “Apprentice” shows playing.

Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina stole the spotlight from Donald Trump last night at the GOP debate.

“I think she’s got a lovely face”, Trump replied.

The place went wild, or as wild as that particular crowd could go.

Trump, who has a history of making controversial remarks about immigrants and other groups, was kicking off a town hall event Thursday evening in Rochester, New Hampshire – his first since Wednesday’s second Republican primary debate.

It was great TV.

Jeb Bush, under pressure from donors to deliver a breakout performance as he slips in the polls, also took the fight to Mr Trump, after a slow start. – Trump would have to count himself a victor .

The governor sent a fundraising email that said: “Debates are supposed to be about issues that matter to you, the American people“. Animosity between Bush and Trump has simmered since July, when the billionaire essentially said just that.

But this is where it gets good. “He doesn’t get my vote“.

Donald Trump on Marco Rubio: “Well, you have to understand, I am not sitting in the United States Senate with, by the way, the worst voting record there is today”. “Would you feel comfortable with Donald Trump’s finger on the nuclear codes?”

“But I was involved with virtually every question”, Trump said. I think, honestly, it’s a gesture.

“They figure I get the ratings”, he said. “And so, I do give interviews in Spanish, and here’s why – because I believe that free enterprise and limited government is the best way to help people who are trying to achieve upward mobility”.

Meanwhile, as Trump stumbled, Rubio was talking in long paragraphs about foreign policy. Nevada often sees a large draw from libertarians, and that would appear to benefit Rand Paul.

However, Bush’s “Immigration Wars”, published in 2013, details a direct correlation between his relationship with Columba and his views on immigration.

“It was an unbelievable experience”, said Trump.


Chris Christie-He’s been mostly a bystander in much of the national attention lately, after getting a lot of it early on (think pre-Trump). I’m not sure what Ben Carson said, but he said it softly, and to this point, that seems to be enough to push him to second in the polls, although some pundits are already predicting that Fiorina might steal some of Carson’s support.

Republican presidential candidate businesswoman Carly Fiorina speaks during the CNN Republican presidential debate at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum on Wednesday Sept. 16 2015 in Simi Valley Calif