
Average gas price now above $2.00 in Maryland

Locally, they have gone up nearly 30 cents in the last month.


The Maryland state average is now at $2.02 a gallon for regular and $2.52 for premium, according to the AAA Daily Fuel Gauge Report. At $1.96 a gallon, western MA is still below the national average of $2.03. but we’re paying a lot more than we were a month ago when a gallon of gas was just $1.68.

These prices increases frequently occur in the spring and early summer as refineries undergo their annual maintenance and transition to producing a summer-grade fuel.

Dallas has the most expensive gas in Texas this week at an average $1.95 per gallon. Many families also take spring break road trips this time of year, which means they may use more gasoline than normal. Since the upward trend began, average prices have jumped some 29 cents per gallon, slightly under GasBuddy forecasts that suggested motorists would see a 35-70 cent per gallon jump between the bottom price and a spring/early summer top. “Oklahoma’s price average on March 24, 2012, stood at $3.69 per gallon”.

New Jersey has the lowest average gas price among states in the continental $1.77 a gallon with California the highest at $2.72.


Drivers on the West Coast are now experiencing a surge in the price at the pump due to the imbalance between supply and demand, and averages are up double-digits on the week in select markets. SC has the cheapest price, at $1.84 a gallon.

A customer fills up a vehicle with fuel at an Exxon Mobil Corp. gas station in Rockford Illinois