
Ayotte slams Trump for comments about Khan family

“Am I not allowed to respond?” the Republican nominee for president asked in a tweet.


The same issue of Dabiq apparently took a jab at Hillary Clinton while saying nothing about Trump.

It was the latest bitter rhetorical volley since the two parties concluded their major conventions last week and the nation looked ahead to a close election this November.

Asked why Republicans have stood by Trump, Clinton urged Americans to “pick country over party”.

The couple’s son, US Army Capt Humayun Khan, was killed by a vehicle bomb in 2004 in Iraq at the age of 27. “If you’re going to be leader of the free world, you have to be able to accept criticism, and Mr. Trump can’t”.

In the interview for ABC’s This Week, Trump also said he would consider recognizing Russia’s annexation of Crimea, carried out in 2014, if it would lead to better relations with Moscow and stronger co-operation in fighting Islamic State in Iraq and Syria militants.

Clinton at a campaign rally Saturday night in Youngstown, Ohio, said the Khans specifically and Muslims generally are the most recent recipients of Trump’s insults, and referenced his past statements about immigrants and the disabled.

Governor John Kasich of OH, a rival of Mr Trump’s in the Republican primaries, castigated him on Twitter.

The Thin-Skinned One then tried to brush off the Khans’ remarks by yelling on Twitter about RADICAL ISLAM.

Khizr and wife Ghazala Khan offered a powerful rebuke to Trump on the final night of the DNC.

Senior Republican leaders, including House Speaker Paul D. Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, remained silent on Sunday, as did vice presidential nominee Mike Pence. What mother could? Donald Trump has children whom he loves. Asserting that Trump is “unfit for the stewardship of this great country, ” Khan maintained that a person “void of empathy for the people he wishes to lead can not be trusted with that leadership, ” while suggesting Republicans and Trump supporters repudiate him and reconsider backing him.

Trump has made plans to visit some of the same areas Clinton is campaigning in during her three-day bus tour through OH and Pennsylvania, scheduling Monday stops in Columbus and Cleveland. “I don’t know where the bottom is”.

Ghazala even shared Humayan’s last words to her before he would be killed, and they’re far more telling about the kind of man he was, the kind of American he was, than anything I could ever say: “Mom, these are my soldiers, these are my people”.

The Republican nominee lashed out after Khizr Khan, a US citizen of Pakistani origin and a Muslim, spoke about his war hero son at the Democratic convention and took issue with Trump’s call for a temporary ban on the entry of Muslims into the United States.

During the speech, Khan’s wife, Ghazala, stood quietly by his side.

But Khan shot back in interviews on USA television news shows, while his wife Ghazala explained in a Washington Post op-ed that she had been too grief-stricken to speak. “She had nothing to say”, Mr Trump said.

Trump said Khan appeared “very emotional and probably looked like a nice guy to me”.

In a column in The Washington Post on Sunday, Ghazala Khan responded to Trump’s questioning why she didn’t speak. I want his family to counsel him, teach him some empathy. “I think they’re sacrifices”.

Hillary Clinton also weighed in on Trump’s Khan comments on Sunday in remarks to parishioners at the Imani Temple Ministries in Cleveland, Ohio.


“Normally, I would say that a presidential candidate who attacks or disparages the parents of a heroic soldier who died in the line of duty would lose a lot of votes, and that may be the case here”, Reynolds said. Just talking about it is hard for me all the time.

The Latest: Trump says US should accept Russia in Crimea