
Babies at St. Mary’s wearing red caps for heart disease awareness

500,000 deaths a year are attributed to heart disease, this is more than all the cancers combined.


Collectively, the school was able to make a donation of $106 to the American Heart Association. Wear red, Go Red, or paint your community red, and then share your pictures using #GoRedSelfie through Feb 29th.

The teachers and staff at Franklin Elementary School in Rahway celebrated National Wear Red Day with Go Red For Women on Friday, Feb. 5, to help save women’s lives. Men tend to have more typical symptoms like crushing chest pain and associated shortness of breath, nausea, radiation of pain to neck or jaw. “If you feel that you are having a symptom that you’ve never felt, something that feels unusually intense, those are warning signs that you may be having a heart attack”.

“Our goal is to get the awareness out there about the risk factors, and let people know that, even though family history plays such a large part in heart disease, you also have a lot of control over that”, Remy said. Ultimately, we must engage women and their families in order to most effectively eliminate needless cardiac related deaths in the next decade.

The first heart attack occurs at an average age of 71.8 years in women compared to 65 years in men. Hispanic women also are likely to develop heart issues 10 years earlier than non-Hispanic women. The American Heart Association noted that they will need further gender specific research in order to get a better understanding of how women and men heart attack symptoms differ. In the six years following a heart attack, women are twice as likely to have a second event as compared to men with similar disease.

Medications and cardiac rehabilitation are prescribed less frequently for women than for men. Many female victims said they had flu-like symptoms. “It can contribute to the development of plaque in the heart arteries…”

Almost 80 percent of all women have at least one risk factor for heart disease. “The majority of us know of someone diagnosed with, or have lost someone to heart disease”.


Age also is a factor, he said, because there is more time for arterial plaque to accumulate and for other factors to play a role such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and tobacco use.

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