
Baby born without part of skull defies odds, celebrates 1st birthday

A baby born with an extreme malformation of the brain has amazed doctors by reaching his first birthday.


The sweet wee boy has been dubbed Jaxon Strong via his many social media supporters, and for good reason – he was a fighter even before he was welcomed to the world by parents Brittany and Brandon Buell. Doctors gave him just days to live, yet Jaxon has defied all the odds and celebrated his first birthday on August 27.

“There are so many things about Jaxon, our family, and his story that are completely misunderstood”, he said.

The cute baby has become an internet sensation, receiving more than 100,000 likes on his personal web page.

Multiple news organizations are reporting that Jaxon Buell was born with a rare brain malfunction called Microhydranencephaly.

“He’s back to smiling at us, always so happy in the morning after he wakes up and takes turns looking at both Mommy’s and Daddy’s face, seemingly as if he is so excited to start another day”, Brandon Buell said of his son. In the post, Brandon says he and his wife were told their son had an “unknown issue” during pregnancy, but they “never came close to considering an abortion”. He added that they didn’t want to “play God” even though they were told Jaxon would never live a normal life. “Every doctor we’ve talked to is fascinated that Jaxon is here today, and they can no longer predict a prognosis, although we know the reality behind this better than anyone else, what Jaxon is up against, and that his life is already miraculous at this point”.

Brandon began his post on Saturday saying that Jaxon has begun saying “Mama” and that those remarking on the situation have no idea what the child is actually going through.

“Jaxon was our baby, and we only had one shot to do everything we could for him”. We continue to ask for support and prayers, as it is a blessing that his Mom continues to stay home with him for constant care’.

And now Jaxon, who turned 1 last month, continues to amaze doctors and show improvements every day.

Brittany said: ‘It is always in the back of my mind.

Brandon says in many ways, his son is a “normal” baby who eats, teethes, poops and sleeps.

The father said that he and Brittany asked if the child was suffering in the womb or if there were potential health risks to her during the delivery.

His parents have set up a GoFundMe page to help cover his medical expenses, drawing more than $60,000 so far.


According to Daily Mail, the couple, who are living on only one salary, described the support as “incredible” and said they ‘never dreamed that this would happen’.
