
Baby with half skull turns one

Almost a year and a half ago, Brandon and Brittany Buell were told devastating news by doctors: their unborn baby had developed a condition that would develop into a serious birth defect. Doctors gave him just days to live, yet Jaxon has defied all the odds and celebrated his first birthday on August 27.


Jaxon was born with Microhydranencephaly, which is an extreme malformation of the brain.

His parents thanked everyone who’d supported them in the past year but also shared how hard it had been to cope with some people’s misunderstanding about his Jaxon’s condition – and about their decision to go public with their story in order to raise funds for Jaxon’s complicated care needs. “Had there been any suffering in the womb or a danger involved because of the concern for his head and brain, then we certainly would have had a different discussion”.

It also means his scalp is ridged – but that doesn’t stop Jaxon from living life to the full. She was in tears and told me there was an issue with the baby.

Just before Jaxon’s 1 birthday, the Boston doctors diagnosed him more specifically with microhydranencephaly, which means his cerebellum, the part of the brain that controls balance, did not form properly and his cerebral cortex is almost missing.

Jaxon’s mother, Brittany, said the idea of her baby not making it through birth was devastating and unfathomable.

“We went home that night thinking if you are telling us to abort, we would never know what Jaxon could have been, if he could have survived”, Mr Buell said.

For the next few weeks, the anxious couple were transferred between doctors and given five possible conditions of what it could be.

Devoted mum… Brittany Buell with her little boy Jaxon.

“Yes, we are Christians”, said Mr Buell, “but we’re still realists”.

But not only has Jaxon made it, his devoted parents said he is thriving. I’m very aware that today maybe his last day.

“He’s back to smiling at us, always so happy in the morning after he wakes up and takes turns looking at both Mommy’s and Daddy’s face, seemingly as if he is so excited to start another day”, Brandon Buell said of his son.

“He thrives with his mum, that one-to-one stimulation that no other therapy can give. If we can keep Brittany at home, giving him that 24/7 care is truly priceless and that’s what his account allows us to do”, Buell said.


The Buells, with the loving help of friends and family, have set up a GoFundMe Page to help with Jaxon’s staggering medical bills. So far, the couple have raised over £41,000 of their £46,000 target – with donations pouring in from around the world.

Jaxon Strong: Baby with Microhydranencephaly is an inspiration