
Backers, opponents of pot ready campaigns

Meantime, a group called Ohioans Against Marijuana Monopolies is rolling out a “No on Issue Three” campaign, claiming the measure would legalize a drug cartel, put drugs in kids’ hands and create a state of addicts.


The debate is growing over the potential legalization of marijuana in Ohio.

Their goal is to urge Ohioans to vote no on Issue 3 this November.

The Green Rush Bus will stop at major landmarks, town squares and college campuses over the next twelve weeks. State lawmakers, faith leaders, former state Attorney General Betty Montgomery and former Ohio House Speaker Jo Ann Davidson also joined the coalition for its announcement.

Reggie Fields, a spokesman for the Ohio State Medical Association, said the organization could not see “any healthy lifestyle benefit from the recreational use of marijuana”.

A ResponsibleOhio spokeswoman says under the proposal, there would be punishments for those who sell or give to minors and requirements to make edible-pot items childproof. The 10 marijuana farms allowed under the law would be owned by one of the 10 investment groups, each of which contributed $2 million to fund ResponsibleOhio.


Their effort comes as a separate fall ballot issue takes aim at the growing sites described in the proposed amendment.

Green Rush bus tour to promote marijuana measure