
Bad Blood? Fey and Poehler take on Taylor Swift’s girl squad

In a music video spoof, Fey and Poehler went all diva and sang about their squad that included their gynecologist, nannies, Amy Schumer and Gayle King. Tina Fey and Amy Poehler couldnt take all the glory away from present hosts Colin Jost and Michael Che, so instead of running the entire “Weekend Update” sketch, the two leading ladies popped up to give us the last couple of news items and deliver the final two jokes of 2015. Will Jeb Bush ever stop being playground bully Donald Trump’s whipping boy?


“A Hillary Christmas” had Poehler’s buttoned-up Clinton of 2008 visiting current Kate McKinnon’s manic and “likeable” Clinton of 2015.

Dope Squad… Tina Fey and Amy Poehler introduce their “dope squad”, featuring Amy Schumer and SNL castmember Aidy Bryant.

Fey and Poehler may not have won at the box office, but they did produce strong ratings, boosting “SNL” to its second-best metered-market household rating in nearly two years. In the sketch, Hillary from 2008 visits Hillary in 2015. Rudolph, the former cast member, appeared as a variety show singer unable to remember the words to “The Twelve Days of Christmas and Poehler’s co-host in “Bronx Beat” speaking to their “classy” correspondent based in Philadelphia. I think you’re going to sleep well tonight”, McKinnon’s Hillary gloats into the mirror at the beginning of the sketch.

Check out the highlights and their musical guest Bruce Springsteen below.

But Clinton of 2008 also had a stark warning for her future self: Don’t too cocky about her poll numbers.

Fey, clad in the iconic bangs and red blazer get-up, joins the twin Clintons as her famed Palin persona.


The scene is Christmas Eve at the Clinton house, on Saturday Night Live’s holiday episode. After leaving “SNL” in the mid-200s, both headlined critically adored sitcoms-Fey’s “30 Rock” and Poehler’s “Parks and Recreation”.

Bad Blood? Fey and Poehler take on Taylor Swift's girl squad