
Bad Lip Reading returns with 2016 National Football League edition

One of the most popular Bad Lip Reading videos was that of the NFL.


With all the fame and fortune on the line at Super Bowl 50, it’s important to take a moment this week to step back and just have a laugh.

The 2016 version of “NFL Bad Lip Reading” video has surfaced, and it’s very amusing.

Each year, the Bad Lip Reading video overdubs clips from the National Football League season, replacing the words of players and coaches with funnier phrases they would never actually say in real life.

The greatest thing is, this appears to be only part one of (at least) a two-part series. While some athletes may be stereotyped for a perceived lack of intelligence, Julio Jones of the Atlanta Falcons dispels those rumors during a sideline interview.


Forget Deflategate, did you know that Tom Brady used to shave his furry ankles to win games?

Bad Lip Reading returns to take on the 2015-16 NFL season