
Bad Sells as Squad Sets Records

Still, this weekend belonged to DC. Once again, critics hated the movie the way that rock stars hate sobriety, but it didn’t matter to movie-goers.


He also cited a weekend in which box office overall reached $229 million, the first time, he noted, that the $200-million mark had been broken on an August weekend. Welcome to the DC universe, everyone! And in summer 2015, Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron also did massive business on Thursday night before falling 33 percent from Friday to Saturday. Suicide Squad is doing okay, not great. It has earned a total of 51 million dollars in 10 days since its release.

Suicide Squad opens nationwide Friday, August 5th, and is rated PG-13. A 58% decline. The movie was savaged by critics and on Rotten Tomatoes, it has a 27% approval rating. And that’s the start of several problems with this production.

However, for big movie studios major opening weekend grosses are a big deal. Deadpool and Guardians both earned an A; ditto for all three films in Warners and Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy. “Lights Out”, $6 million. 8. The film’s domestic total hovers around $127.9 million as of Sunday.

Suicide Squad hit the tracking boards four weeks ago with an opening projection north of $120M. So we can say atleast movie was able to break atleast one record so far.

For “Suicide Squad”, the question now concerns the film’s longevity. “Nine Lives”, $6.5 million. 7.

Men accounted for 54% of Suicide Squad’s opening weekend audience, with more than half of the audience clocking in under 25.

Finishing in first place with an estimated $135.1 million, Warner Bros. and DC Comics’ Suicide Squad now holds the largest August opening weekend, topping Guardians of the Galaxy’s $94.3 million from 2014. They’ll pay for those outside of the negative cost of the film. As odd as this statement sounds, a film that’s going to open to $145 million this weekend has a hard path to profitability.

Harley Quinn has become so popular within the pages of DC Comics that it’s easy to forget she actually made her debut in the ’90s classic cartoon “Batman: The Animated Series”. They may not have pulled off the flawless movie, but they made sure I had excellent company. It’s just insane enough to work, my friends.

Pretty much any way you cut it, Suicide Squad will be the #2 or #3 opener of the year/summer with a number nearly identical to the $166m Batman v Superman launch. The fact that it’s not obvious that the answer is Green Lantern should terrify every executive that has ever worked on any of these projects. “Cara Delevingne, who plays Enchantress in the film, was quoted as saying that she didn’t think “[critics] like superhero movies”.

Alternately, keep spitting the bit.

A deranged psychiatrist wouldn’t seem like something you’d want to be for Halloween, but once Harley Quinn is unleashed on the world this week, it very well could be the hot costume this fall. Instead, Nine Lives opens to a $277k per-life average.


It’s apparently as bad as it sounds, as its Rotten Tomatoes score now stands at a paltry 7%. “You can’t put reviews in the bank”. The other weekend opener, Barry Sonnenfeld’s Nine Lives, is looking at an abysmal $6-7 million weekend take now.

'Suicide Squad' defeats 'Bourne' with smashing debut