
Baghdad attacks aimed at relieving US-Iraqi military pressure

In recent weeks, USA -aided Iraqi forces pushed militants out of towns in western Iraq’s Euphrates River valley as they consolidated gains made last December, when Iraq’s army retook the city of Ramadi.


Islamic State militants “may be reverting to their terrorist roots”, Gen. Joseph Votel, head of U.S. Central Command, told reporters Wednesday in Germany ahead of a visit to the Middle East.

Retaking Mosul is an important goal because it is the Islamic State’s main stronghold in Iraq, but prospects for launching an Iraqi offensive there have been in doubt for more than a year, in part due to political divisions in Baghdad.

Warren said ISIS had used Rutba as a staging area for weaponry and foreign fighters flowing into Iraq.

Through the USA ambassador, the general said, “we’re very well linked in with the Iraqi political leadership, and certainly they have to address this, but I think there is a little concern that if this is not addressed quickly, it could cause them to have to take action and divert … political focus onto that as opposed to things like Mosul or finishing up activities out in Anbar”.

Counterterrorism forces, backed by US-led coalition air strikes, had entered the town from the south on Tuesday and taken control of Al Intisar district.

“We are seeing them (Islamic State) see opportunities and take advantage of those opportunities”, Votel said.

Votel says he sees reason for “a little concern” about political paralysis that has gripped the Iraq government in recent weeks.

Another U.S. officer, Marine Brig. “But for this fight, the CTS is working closely with several other forces – the Anbar Police Special Tactics Battalion is fighting side by-side with the CTS to clear the town, while the Iraqi border force and Anbar Sunni tribal fighters have established a blocking position outside the town”.

ISIL has also launched a series of deadly attacks in the capital, including suicide vehicle bombings, apparently with the aim of sowing further discord within the government and causing it to pull some of its forces away from Mosul to help defend Baghdad.

“We don’t do anything by ourselves here, so it is extraordinarily important to meet face to face with all our partners, discuss our goals and objectives here and reinforce what has in many cases been very longstanding and very good military-to-military relationships in the area”, the general said.


On Thursday, he described resistance there as “moderate to light” but said the Iraqis were still clearing enemy forces. When it swept into Iraq from Syria in 2014, it resembled a conventional military force that operated in large formations and employed heavy weapons. Remnants regrouped in Syria before sweeping into western and northern Iraq in the first half of 2014, prompting President Barack Obama to send US troops back to Iraq as advisers and trainers. News stories displayed here appear in our category for and are licensed via a specific agreement between and The Associated Press, the world’s oldest and largest news organization. Doing so may result in civil and/or criminal penalties.

Iraq Launches Western Operation Against Islamic State