
Baltimore officer suspended after calling protesters ‘thugs’

WBAL-TV 11 reports that a Baltimore police lieutenant was suspended after sending an email calling protesters thugs after they demonstrated at a Fraternal Order of Police convention.


Those arrested had gathered at the hotel to protest the conference following the release last week of a scathing report by the Justice Department that found Baltimore police routinely violate individuals’ constitutional rights. “On the bright side maybe they will stop killing each other while they are protesting us”, he wrote.

Gearhart was suspended from the force after commanding officers discovered the email Monday.

“This frustrated a number of people”, said Smith. Furthermore, the department told Complex the commissioner was “outraged” by the email.

Mr. Smith said he could not confirm the suspension or comment on personnel matters, The Sun reported.

Police leaders weren’t the only ones troubled by the correspondence.

Smith made clear that, while Gearheart was serving as the police’s union’s vice president, he was not speaking for the majority of officers.

Lt. Gearhart filed a lawsuit against the police department earlier this year after a series of tweets resulted in his demotion.

The Baltimore Police Department said in a statement that several of the protesters entered the hotel, chained themselves to a railing and blocked the escalator.


Gearhart could not be reached for comment Tuesday. “Well today was check-in day with activities spread over the next 3 days so expect more bad behavior from the THUGS OF BALTIMORE [sic]”.

Maryland Fraternal Order of Police event met with protests