
Barack Obama declares Donald Trump ‘unfit’ to be USA president

President Barack Obama is committed to a smooth transition of power of the presidency, even if the victor is Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, White House officials say.


“Well, absolutely. That’s why I used ‘probably, ‘ because I was just going through the timeline”, said Pierson, who then alleged that Trump was being blamed for Khan’s death. One of the people associated with the campaign said Mr. Trump privately blames his own staff for failing to quiet the backlash from his own party after he criticised an American Muslim family whose son, a U.S. Army captain, was killed in Iraq. The father, Khizr Khan, criticized Trump’s anti-Muslim rhetoric and said the real estate mogul had “sacrificed nothing and no one”.

The bellicose Republican standard-bearer responded by implying that Ms. Khan, who accompanied his husband on stage on the final day of the Democratic National Convention, was forbidden to speak. “I don’t understand why it’s so hard to understand why Donald Trump was confused about why he was being held responsible for something he had nothing to do with while Hillary Clinton had everything to do with”.

“The question I think they have to ask themselves is, if you are repeatedly having to say in very strong terms that what he has said is unacceptable, why are you still endorsing him?” A swing-state poll taken before the party conventions and Trump’s feud with the Khan family showed the Republican down 8 points in Colorado. During his speech, he promoted a Trump presidency and linked President Barack Obama’s policies to Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

But he said that was not the case for Mr Trump, a businessman from NY.

In response, Trump called Obama and Clinton as unfit to serve.

Top GOP officials in the Republican party are reportedly exploring how to handle the possibility of Donald Trump quitting the race, according to an ABC News report.

Ryan, addressing the issue for the first time this week, said it was “distressing” that Trump isn’t more focused on Democrat Hillary Clinton “and all of her deficiencies”.

Republican leaders’ frustration with Donald Trump mounted Wednesday following a series of startling statements from the GOP nominee, including his refusal to endorse House Speaker Paul Ryan’s re-election.

“There has to come a point at which you say, somebody who makes those kinds of statements doesn’t have the judgment, the temperament, the understanding to occupy the most powerful position in the world”, Mr Obama said. Almost all of them had committed nonviolent drug crimes, said Neil Eggleston, White Hosue counsel to the president.

“She is reckless with her emails, reckless with regime change, and reckless with American lives”, Trump said.


They join dozens of high-profile GOP leaders who have previously said they would not vote for Trump, including the party’s 2012 nominee, Mitt Romney, and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush. “The only need we have for an intervention is maybe with some media types who keep saying things that aren’t true”.

Obama Calls Out Trump as Unfit to Be President; Trump Says Obama, Clinton Unfit to Serve in Response