
Barack Obama endorses Hillary Clinton for Democratic nomination

The apparently pre-taped endorsement emerged shortly after Bernie Sanders met with the president at the White House and showed no immediate signs of suspending his campaign or endorsing the presumptive nominee this week.


“I don’t think there’s ever been someone so qualified to hold this office”, Obama said in the video.

“I’m with her. I’m fired up and I can not wait to get out there and campaign with Hillary”, Xinhua news agency quoted Obama as saying.

As Bernie Sanders’s campaign shuffles toward its inevitable end, President Barack Obama’s endorsement of Hillary Clinton Thursday did little to dampen the enthusiasm at a rally for the candidate in Washington, DC.

“First of all, I will do everything that I can to make sure that Donald Trump does not become president of the United States”, he said.

Clinton commended Sanders and his supporters during her victory speech Tuesday in Brooklyn, N.Y., hoping they will come into the fold with either support for her or antipathy for Trump. But half of voters said they were confident that he would make good decisions on the economy, giving him a hairbreadth edge over Clinton on the issue.

“She has had issues throughout [the campaign] because she’s a woman”, Dr Sheehan said. Although he stopped short of endorsing Clinton, the Vermont senator told reporters he planned to press for his agenda at the party’s July convention and would work with Clinton to defeat Trump.

As it circulated the Obama video, the Clinton campaign announced their first joint appearance on the campaign trail will be Wednesday in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

During the Democratic primary, Clinton spoke often about economic fairness and tried to reassure liberal voters anxious about rising inequality.

Obama had planned to use Thursday’s meeting, which the White House emphasized was requested by Sanders, to discuss how to build on the enthusiasm he has brought to the primary, the White House said.

The ad attempts to cast Clinton as a steady alternative to Trump, interspersing the presumptive Republican presidential nominee’s inflammatory quips with shots of Clinton smiling and meeting with voters. Sanders said he would compete in the Washington, D.C., primary on Tuesday, the party’s final contest, but said his interest was largely in pushing for D.C. statehood.

She said tonight the 2016 election “is not about one candidate, it’s about all of us coming together coming together to fight to level the [economic] playing field”.

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren has endorsed presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

Similarly, at December 2007 rally in Iowa, he slammed Hillary as being “just like Bush”.

For more than a year now, across thousands of miles and all 50 states, tens of millions of Americans have made their voices heard.


“It remains to be seen whether the symbolic significance of Mrs Clinton’s nomination as candidate for president will translate into as much tangible gain for women”.

Elizabeth Warren Backs Hillary Clinton