
Barack Obama Just Set Another Presidential First

“An alternative approach is needed to reduce spending through systemic reform of the health-care sector, protect low-income workers from overly burdensome out-of-pocket costs, enhance subsidies for marketplace Quality Health Programs, increase health care literacy, and direct shoppers to the right type of plan so that patients are shielded from financial ruin and insurance can function as intended”, Dr. Nitin Damle, president of the ACP, said in a press release.


Publication in the Journal of the American Medical Assocation is highly prized. For instance, the uninsured rate has fallen by 43 percent with only 9.1 percent of Americans lacking healthcare coverage as of 2015.

Given the lackluster healthcare exchange enrollment numbers, unaffordable coverage, and increasing overall healthcare costs, President Obama is wrong to think the Affordable Care Act (ACA) needs just a few tweaks – its most fundamental aspects need to be rethought.

Also notable is that voters still trust Democrats to fix the Affordable Care Act and on a plethora of other health care issues over Republicans, according to the poll. Even in states that did not expand Medicaid, uninsured rates are plummeting. Republicans couldn’t stop anything, but they did oppose the public option for the same reasons as the business community and moderate Democrats: Over time, its radicalism would annex all of USA health-care finance. To put it simply, President Obama had some help, in the form of assistants (he specifically credits Matthew Fiedler, Ph.D., and Jeanne Lambrew, Ph.D., for their help in writing the article) and researchers on the White House staff. “But we need less bureaucracy in our healthcare system, not more”. Obama explains that this will strengthen the health insurance marketplace and position more affordable coverage options for consumers nationwide. “Despite this progress, too many Americans still strain to pay for their physician visits and prescriptions, cover their deductibles, or pay their monthly insurance bills; struggle to navigate a complex, sometimes bewildering system; and remain uninsured”, wrote the president.

“While the lessons enumerated above may seem daunting, the ACA experience nevertheless makes me optimistic about this country’s capacity to make meaningful progress on even the biggest public policy challenges. More work to reform the health care system is necessary”, Obama wrote. The article spoke favorably of the work that bears his signature, while emphasizing that more progress needs to be made. Other co-ops are trying to renegotiate contracts with hospitals and other providers.

“However, the remaining 12 percent of enrollees live in areas with only one or two issuers”. Public programs work around administrative overheads by getting better prices for the same care that would have cost everyday people a lot more or may not be covered by private insurance providers.

The number of uninsured has dropped to 29 million, from 49 million in 2010, Obama said.


Democrats claim this would merely be another choice, but they tried a trial-run public option with ObamaCare’s co-ops, which were given up-front federal cash infusions and then were supposed to operate like normal companies. Obama also used the article to recommend the introduction of a “public option” plan in parts of the US and for the federal government to push down drug prices. States that chose to expand their Medicaid programs saw larger reductions in their uninsured rates from 2013 to 2015, especially when those states had large uninsured populations to start with (Figure 223). The future of the healthcare industry will depend upon the progress that can be made upon the Affordable Care Act and any potential public coverage programs that could assist the American people further in their strive to pay for healthcare.

U.S President Barack Obama