
Barack Obama taunts ‘WACKY’ Donald Trump who isn’t ‘qualified to be president’

Critics of the network, which mostly targets audiences outside of Russian Federation and also includes programming in Spanish, Hindi and Arabic, have described it as a propaganda arm of Putin’s government. He said he has a “very distinct plan” and knocked foreign policy under Obama, Hillary Clinton, and former president George W. Bush.


When King asked about reports that USA intelligence agencies are investigating whether Russian Federation is trying to disrupt the election, Trump said that he’s skeptical.

Trump said he didn’t “want to broadcast to the enemy what my plan is”.

During a televised forum Wednesday on national security, Trump complimented Putin for having “great control over his country”. “I’m not going to sit up here and do the tit-for-tat on what Donald said last night or the night before and Hillary vs. Donald”. Experts inside and outside the government have pointed to Russian-backed actors as the source of the hack, which has been used to leak information in an attempt to embarrass Democrats.

Trump criticized USA policy in Iraq from the days of Republican President George W. Bush, who ordered the American-led invasion in 2003 in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, al Qaeda attacks on the United States.

Trump’s appearance on the controversial television station could exacerbate an already icy relationship with the USA political press.

Asked during the RT America interview what has surprised him most about the political process, Trump unloaded on the American press. He pointed out that “we have to get other nations engaged”, including China, and added that “we have to demand they use their influence”.

“Bizarrely once again, he praised Russia’s strongman, Vladimir Putin, even taking the astonishing step of suggesting that he preferred the Russian President to our American President”.

Trump came under fire within minutes of the interview airing.

“It’s just one more massive failure from a failed secretary of state”, Trump said.

Mr. Trump’s admiration for Mr. Putin has been open, and has been based, among other things, a purported statement by the Russian President that he considered Mr. Trump a brilliant leader.

Trump said about Iraq: “Once you go in, you gotta go out the right way, and Obama just took everybody out and it was like a shock to the system, and ultimately ISIS developed and now we have them in 26 to 28 countries and it’s a disaster”.

Pence refused to answer whether Trump has shared his secret strategy with his running mate: “I’ll keep our private conversations private”, he said.

US presidential candidate and long-time Vladimir Putin admirer Donald Trump appeared on Russian state TV to claim that the Kremlin “probably” isn’t messing with America’s election – but the Republican’s camp says it was all an accident. Earlier on Thursday, House Speaker Paul Ryan, a Wisconsin Republican, told reporters that Putin was “an aggressor who does not share out interest”.

Clinton was scheduled on Friday to meet with former senior national security officials in NY. She also acknowledged her mistake of voting to authorize the use of military force in Iraq when she was still a senator.


On Tuesday, 88 retired generals and admirals endorsed Trump. The current average of polls from website RealClearPolitics puts her at 45.6 percent support, compared with Trump’s 42.8 percent.

Trump: Iranian soldiers who harass US Navy 'will be shot out of the water'