
Barack Obama to feature on new Coldplay album

Now, Chris has announced that Obama’s vocals will also be heard on the record, with the British band sampling a recording of the President singing “Amazing Grace” at the funeral of a victim of the Charleston shooting earlier this year. The soundbite is apparently used is an interlude on Coldplay’s new album.


“We have a tiny clip of the President singing fantastic Grace at that church”, Chris said.

The band had to gain permission from Obama and the White House, as well as the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina. There’s a duet with ex-wife Gwyneth Paltrow, spots from their children Apple and Moses, and vocals from Beyoncé and her daughter Blue Ivy.

In addition to the new tracks, it’s been revealed that Barack Obama, as in actual Barack Obama, as in President Of The United States Of America Barack Obama, appears on “A Head Full Of Dreams” title-track. The band was obviously thrilled.

We guess this will prove to Martin that the President REALLY is a Coldplay fan – Chris said in 2012 that he didn’t believe the politician when he said he liked their music. Coldplay had to get special permission from POTUS himself.

“This is the song we’ve been waiting for write for 15 years”, Martin said of the expansive, eight-minute “Up&Up”, the evening’s final song and A Head Full of Dreams’s closing track.


“The idea is to accept what happens to you and not run away from anything – and trust that things will blossom and become colorful”.

Barack Obama to appear on Coldplay album