
Barbara Bush Gives Jeb! an Early Birthday Present: 35 Seconds of Attention

Jeb Bush got ahead of his own campaign during a town hall Thursday night when he announced his mother, former First Lady Barbara Bush, has filmed a television ad that will begin airing soon in New Hampshire. “Of all the people running, he seems to be the one who can solve the problems”.


The tweet Trump actually reposted from the user, however, was a photoshopped image of the GOP front-runner’s opponent Jeb Bush, depicting him as a disheveled beggar outside Trump Tower.

Bush also said he was “sure” that he’d campaign with his brother, former President George W. Bush, something that hasn’t happened yet since the former governor launched his bid past year to be the third Bush elected president.

While Barbara Bush has so far lent her name to fundraising letters and appeared at donor retreats, as well as Jeb Bush’s announcement speech last summer, she has yet to have a more public presence on the campaign.

When a voter asked Bush Thursday whether being insulted by Trump has made him a stronger candidate, he said no. I said it out loud?

Bush insisted that it was “nonsense” to suggest he was running away from either his father or his brother’s records.

“Did I say that?” “I don’t think she was prepared to endorse anyone else, but it’s a nice validation just in case people were wondering”.

We’re going to need a bigger file drawer for this latest entry under Sad Jeb Bush Is Sad, So Sad, Gahhh, We Need A Drink, That’s How Sad He Is.

Bush’s video flashes forward to November 8, 2016, and features newscasts declaring that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has won the presidential race.


“If anybody’s more powerful in my family than my mother, I don’t know who it is”, he quipped.

Screengrab from @realDonaldTrump  Twitter